Visit Amsterdam on a Student Budget
When you think of Amsterdam, it associates with cosy coffee shops, a maze of little streets and canals, slanted buildings, and bicycles.
Amsterdam might come across as very informal, but often the most popular travel destination in Holland can be pricey. Especially when it comes to certain aspects of travelling such as transportation, accommodation, and activities.
Showaround Amsterdamer Jasmijn knows a cheaper way to get around. “I have been studying here for many years and so I have gotten my way around enjoying this city to the fullest by spending little to no money at all.”, said Jasmijn.
According to the 26-year-old student currently studying Ancient Studies at the University of Amsterdam, “Not only will I show you what Amsterdam has to offer in terms of culture, history, fashion, food and nightlife, but I will also show you what's brewing and let you experience the city as if you were living there yourself.”
At the end of the tour, Jasmijn took us to Hanneke’s Boom, the place to be when the weather is warm and sunny. It’s a bar with some great views of the city centre and science centre Nemo. Want to know some more awesome spots in Amsterdam? Ask Jasmijn.